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About Ziad El Shurafa


Leading a busy and a professional lifestyle could eat you alive. 

I learned over the years that I have to create a balance between my career, family and my hobbies.


The nature of my career takes me places, but after a while, people would ask me did you visit the country so and so. The answer would be yes. The reality though was I only landed in these countries, went to the hotel, had few business meetings and then back to the airport.


I didn't know what I was missing. Aside from the embarrassment of telling people, I visited France for instance but never made it to the Eiffel tower, I started thinking, people envy me for my situation and I was not taking advantage of it. So I decided to manage my trips abroad wisely and extend my business trips by a day or two to tour these countries that I was visiting. Boy what an experience that was.


The dull, not so much fun business trips, turned into awesome experiences. Now I was looking forward to going on business trips, not to just land deals and make money, but to enjoy life as well.


I decided to share some of those marvelous trips with you. Enjoy.


Ziad El Shurafa




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